Tips, tools, and resources for increasing bravery
Tips, tools, and resources for increasing bravery
How do you get where you want to be in spite of fear? 
The path to innovation, change, and growth can be fraught with unknowns. Fear is part of human nature. The objective is not to eradicate it. If you want to unlock new results, the trick is to increase bravery instead.
So, how do you increase bravery?
Braver people
Understand how fear shows up in your organisation, your team and yourself
Start with yourself. Try to understand how you yourself act when you feel fear. How does it affect your physical and emotional energy? Your ability to think or create? Your willingness to trust others or encourage your teams to take risks? Now, observe others. What’s the impact of their fear? Become aware of what would be possible if you put your fear in a box and choose to step into action.
In the toolkit: You'll find a worksheet to guide you through a self-reflection exercise to help you recognise how fear shows up for you, and your organisation.
Braver teams
Start by starting
Action breeds action. When you make things, you learn. When you’re in motion there’s less space for fear. Teams build their confidence by learning, trying new things, experimenting, creating, and designing new solutions with customers. The trick? Just get started.
In the toolkit: You'll find a guide to how to design and run experiments with your team and customers
Guide: Pick a challenge and build an experiment with this step by step guide →
Invest in ‘teaming’ to create psychological safety
Whilst fear can sometimes make us more productive, without trust and safety people can end up feeling anxious and struggle to think creatively. Having the support of a strong team can instantly make us feel safer and braver. To create resilient and brave teams you need to invest in ‘teaming’. This means spending time actively creating the bonds, structures, and dynamics the team needs to unleash their potential.
In the toolkit: A user-manual kit to help you and your team build stronger relationships with better support
Experiment: Get your team to complete and share their ‘user manuals’ in your next team meeting →
Braver organisations
Build a playground
Create the right environment to make taking action in spite of fear normal. Organisations need to build playgrounds where people have the freedom to easily create and evolve new things, together. Playgrounds foster safe adventure and resilience by creating space and setting guardrails for teams to come together, create impact, learn, and build their confidence. 
Click here to read our guide on how leaders can build playgrounds and set a tiny habit around one of these
Guide: Read our guide on how leaders can build playgrounds and set a tiny habit around one of these →
Bravery Toolkit
We've collated a selection of our favourite tools and exercises into a toolkit to help you increase bravery through self-knowledge, team bonding, and experimenting with your ideas.
What's inside:
- Build your self awareness of fear with a self-reflection worksheet
- Learn how to bravely experiment with your ideas with our guide to experimenting well
- Create bigger bonds for a braver team with our user manual workbook

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Destroying fear. Making Innovation inevitable.
We’re a community of problem solvers who partner with organisations to tackle their biggest challenges. As expert strategists, designers and coaches, we partner with your teams to create bold products and services, and develop your own capabilities to work braver and innovate smarter.

We support organisations on transformative journeys with a hands-on approach that accelerates the way value is created.

Sound exciting? We love a new challenge, so if you're looking to create brave work, with brave teams, we’d love to help!
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