Fear is big. It's bigger than we could have imagined.
Brave and emotionally intelligent leaders are essential for brave businesses
Leaders fear compromising their authority by making a risky decision.

Taking responsibility for a decision can be nerve-wracking, meaning many leaders may say no to a new idea simply because they feel fear.

However, saying no is also a way to avoid risking power. Saying no maintains the status quo, whereas saying yes and taking a risk on someone else's idea could cause reputation damage for the leader if the idea doesn’t work out. 
Quote: Fear can paralyse leadership. They are scared of making a decision because it will be hung on them
Quote: It's easier to say no which confirms your position of power, than to say yes and take a risk
But without inspiring, brave leadership, teams get stuck in a rut. 

Though the skill of employees is seen as essential for the success of any change programme, leadership is seen as key component of both potential successes and failures. Brave leadership must be backed up by a real willingness to change as well as an effective strategy.
Quote: you need brave leaders from outside of the team...the fish rots from the head
Leaders don’t always recognise the fear in their teams.

Low fear individuals in general are less likely to notice fear and its effects on others. Those surveyed were typically less emotionally aware, not recognising that ⅓ of their team is likely to feel persistent fear at work. 

Low fear leaders, in particular, underestimate their ability to improve culture and create a sense of psychological safety. Instead putting fear down to an individual’s own issue that doesn’t require their intervention.
Quote: I don't see anyone be fearful ever...it's a relaxed organisation, we aren't fighting wars, how serious can it get? I don't think people are generally anxious
Quote: I've never thought of any tools for my team because I don't think it's something I can solve for someone else
Saying no to new ideas might make leaders feel powerful in the short term, but in the longer term it can undermine growth.
Great leaders understand how fear shows up in their teams, and use their power to bolster their people, and create psychologically safe cultures where ideas can thrive.

Next, find out how fear can impact the wider company culture, through the relationships we form...